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Yacine Ait-Sahalia

Otto A. Hack 1903 Professor of Finance and   Economics, Princeton University


Yacine Ait-Sahalia is the Otto A. Hack 1903 Professor of Finance and Economics at   Princeton University. He has been elected as a fellow of the Econometric Society in 2002, a fellow of the Society for Financial Econometrics in 2012, a fellow of the American Statistical Association in 2008 and a fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics in 2004. He currently serves as a research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research and a member of the International Scientific Council of the Institut Louis Bachelier.

Professor Ait-Sahalia’s research concentrates on financial econometrics, investments, fixed income, and derivative securities. His current research includes studies on high-frequency traders and the price process, high-frequency data, semimartingales.

Richard Blundell

Ricardo Professor of Political Economy, University College   London


Sir Richard Blundell is the David Ricardo Professor of   Political Economy at University College London and the Director of the ESRC Centre for the Microeconomic Analysis of Public Policy at the Institute for   Fiscal Studies. He is also a fellow of the Econometric Society, a fellow of the British Academy, a research fellow of the IZA, a research fellow of the CEPR, a fellow of the Society of Labor Economists, an honorary member of the American Economic Association, an honorary member of American Academy of Arts   and Sciences, and an honorary fellow of the Institute of Actuaries.


Professor Blundell’s research covers the empirical microeconomic study of consumer, savings and labor supply behavior. He has studied the relationship between taxation, family labor supply, and consumer behavior. He has developed new microeconometric tools for the study of dynamic panel data models and the nonparametric analysis of individual decisions. He has worked on a number of high profile policy reports most especially on personal tax reform, pension reform and the analysis of inequality.

Gregory C. Chow

Class of 1913 Professor of Political   Economy, Princeton University


Gregory C. Chow accepted a professorship at Princeton in 1970, succeeding Oskar Morgenstern as the Director of the Econometric Research Program. He remained Director for almost three decades, stepping down in 1997. At his retirement from Princeton University in 2001, the Econometric Research Program was renamed the Gregory C Chow Econometric Research Program in his honor. He also served as Chairman of the American Economic Association's Committee on Exchanges in Economics with the People's Republic   of China from 1981 to 1994 and as Co-chairman of the U.S. Committee on Economics Education and Research in China with support from the Ford   Foundation from 1985 to 1994. He was a member of the U.S.-Hong Kong Economic Co-operation Committee. He was responsible for a three-year program (1984-1986) to teach modern economics in China under the sponsorship of the Chinese State Education Commission (formerly Ministry of Education).

Professor Chow continued to do innovative research in   both econometrics and applied economics. His econometric research included the study of simultaneous equation systems, both linear and nonlinear; full-information maximum likelihood estimation; estimation with missing observations; estimation of large macroeconomic models; modeling and   forecasting with time series methods. Combining econometrics, economic theory, and macroeconomics, He did path-breaking work on optimal control theory and its application to stochastic economic systems. In more recent   years he developed and championed a solution approach for dynamic optimization problems using Lagrange multiplier methods. Gregory also   published a number of monographs and popular textbooks (his econometrics   textbook has been translated into Chinese and Polish).

James J. Heckman

Henry Schultz Distinguished Service   Professor, University of Chicago


James J. Heckman is the Henry Schultz Distinguished Service Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago, where he has served since 1973. In 2000, he shared the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic   Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel with Daniel McFadden. Heckman directs the Economics Research Center and the Center for Social Program Evaluation at the Harris School for Public Policy. He is also a fellow of the Econometric Society, a fellow of the American   Academy of Arts and Sciences, a member of the National Academy of Sciences, a   fellow of the American Statistical Association, a fellow of the Society of Labor Economics, a resident member of the American Philosophical Society, a fellow of the International Statistical Institute, a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, a lifetime member of the Irish Economic Association, a member of the National Academy of Education, a corresponding member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, a fellow of the   Society for Economic Measurement, a Kenneth Boulding fellow of the American Academy of Political and Social Science and a charter fellow of the Institute   for Nonlinear Dynamical Inference (INDI).

Professor Heckman’s work has been devoted to the development of a scientific basis for economic policy evaluation, with special emphasis on models of individuals and disaggregated groups, and to the problems and possibilities created by heterogeneity, diversity, and unobserved counterfactual states. He developed a body of new econometric   tools that address these issues. His research has given policymakers important new insights into areas such as education, job training, the   importance of accounting for general equilibrium in the analysis of labor markets, anti-discrimination law, and civil rights. He demonstrated a strong   causal effect of the 1964 Civil Rights Act in promoting African-American economic progress. He has recently demonstrated that the high school dropout rate is increasing in the U.S. He has studied the economic benefits of sorting in the labor market, the ineffectiveness of active labor market programs, and the economic returns to education. His recent research focuses on inequality, human development and lifecycle skill formation, with a special emphasis on the economics of early childhood. He is currently conducting new social experiments on early childhood interventions and reanalyzing old experiments. He is also studying the emergence of the underclass in the U.S. and Western Europe.

Cheng Hsiao

Professor of Economics, University of   Southern California



Cheng Hsiao is a professor of Economics at the Department of Economics, University of   Southern California. He is a fellow of the Econometric Society and serving as a member of the Scientific Committee of the International Panel Data Conference, a member in the Advisory Board of the Center for Economic Development, Tel-Aviv, an external executive member in the Global Center of  Excellence Program Hitotsubashi University, Japan, a member of Board of   Technical Advisors in the Canadian Center for Marketing Information Technologies, an honorary research fellow in the Chinese Academy of Social   Sciences, Beijing and as honorary professor at City University of Hong Kong.

Professor Hsiao has made many significant and important contributions to panel data econometrics, both methodological and applied, beginning with his 1972 dissertation, in numerous articles, and his masterful   and magisterial monographs. His recent work focuses on nonlinear panel data modeling, modeling with imperfect data, econometric methods for program evaluation, dynamic panel data   modeling.

Atsushi Kajii

Professor of Economics, Kyoto University


Atsushi Kajii is a professor in economics, specializing   in micro-economics theory at Kyoto University. He currently serves as the chair of Asia Standing Committee of the Econometric Society, and a member of the Asia Council of the Econometric Society.

Professor Kajii's academic contributions are in the area of general equilibrium theory, game theory, and decision theory under uncertainty. He is also the author of popular economics books on game theory and innovative economic interpretation of Japanese and Chinese folklore and language, which were written in Japanese and translated into Chinese and Korean.

Oliver Linton

Professor of Political Economy, University   of Cambridge


Oliver Linton is a professor of Political Economy and Econometrics and a fellow of Trinity College at Cambridge University. He has been elected as a fellow of the Society of Financial Econometrics in 2015, a fellow of the British Academy in 2008, a fellow of the Econometric Society in 2007, a fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics in 2007 and a member of the International Statistical Institute in 2006.

Professor Linton’s research interests include econometric theory, nonparametric and semiparametric methods, and empirical finance. His recent research topics include quantile-based characteristic factor models, additive nonparametric models with structural breaks, nonparametric Euler equation identification and estimation.

Stephen Morris

Alexander Stewart 1886 Professor of   Economics, Princeton University


Stephen Morris is the Alexander Stewart 1886 Professor of Economics at Princeton University. He is a faculty member of the Department of Economics, the founding and current director of the William S. Dietrich Economic Theory Center and an affiliate of the Bendheim Center of Finance and the Research Program in Political Economy. He is a fellow and the President of the Econometric Society, an elected member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, a fellow of the Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory and a fellow of the Game Theory Society.

Professor Morris’ research focuses on the foundations and applications of game theory and mechanism design and in particular the role of incomplete information.Applications include finance, auctions,   macroeconomics, and political economy.  

Whitney Newey

Ford Professor of Economics, Massachusetts   Institute of Technology


Whitney Newey is the Ford Professor of Economics and an   econometrician at MIT. He is an elected fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, of the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences and   the Econometric Society, and an international fellow of CEMMAP, University College London. He also serves in the Executive Committee of the Econometric  Society and the Council of the Econometric Society.

Professor Newey is best known for co-developing the Newey–West estimator, which robustly estimates the covariance matrix of a regression model when errors are heteroskedastic and autocorrelated.

Enrique Sentana

Professor of Economics, CEMFI


Enrique Sentana has been Professor of Economics at CEMFI in Madrid since 1992. During this time, he has also been affiliated as a researcher with the London School of Economics (LSE) Financial Markets Group   and the CEPR. He is a Fellow of the Econometric Society and its current Executive Vice-President. He is also a fellow of Spanish Economic Association and the Society for Financial   Econometrics.

Professor Sentana’s work in financial econometrics has   included developing multivariate dynamic factor models for time-varying volatilities and correlations. He has also worked on the predictability of stock returns and exchange rates, volatility derivatives, inference methods for mean-variance frontiers, identification tests of structural models and estimation by simulation. More recently, he has studied (conditional)  distributions for financial returns, with applications to portfolio allocation, option valuation, and risk management, as well as diagnostics for dynamic factor models, which are popular in empirical term structure and macroeconomic applications.

Matthew O. Jackson

William D. Eberle Professor of Economics,   Stanford University


Matthew O. Jackson is the William D. Eberle Professor   of Economics at Stanford University, an external faculty member of the Santa   Fe Institute and a senior fellow of CIFAR. He is also a member of the   National Academy of Sciences, a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and   Sciences, a fellow of the Econometric Society, a fellow of the Game Theory Society, and a fellow of the   Economic Theory.

Professor Jackson's research interests include game   theory, microeconomic theory, and the study of social and economic networks, on which he has published many articles and the books ‘The Human Network’ and ‘Social and Economic Networks’.

Thomas J. Sargent

William Berkley Professor of Economics, New   York University


Thomas J. Sargent has held a professorship at New York   University since 2002. He was awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics in 2011 together with Christopher A. Sims for their "empirical research   on cause and effect in the macroeconomy." He serves as a research associate in the National Bureau of Economic Research and is a senior fellow in the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, a fellow of the Econometric   Society, a fellow of the National Academy of Sciences, a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and a corresponding fellow of the British Academy.

Professor Sargent specializes in the fields of macroeconomics, monetary economics and time series econometrics. He has developed methods for examining the relationship between policy and economics and has shown how the effects of the permanent restructuring of economic policy can be analyzed and how households and businesses have adjusted their expectations to match economic development.

Parag Pathak

Jane Berkowitz Carlton and Dennis William   Carlton Professor of Microeconomics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Parag A. Pathak is the Jane Berkowitz Carlton and Dennis William Carlton Professor of Microeconomics at MIT, founding co-director of the NBER Working Group on Market Design, and founder of MIT's School Effectiveness and Inequality Initiative (SEII), a laboratory focused on education, human capital, and the income distribution. He is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the Econometric Society. He also serves as a member of the scientific advisory board of the Institute for Innovation in Public   School Choice, a non-profit which assists districts on school assignment.

Professor Pathak’s research includes studies on market design and education, and K-12 education and urban economics. In addition to generating academic publications that study, develop, and test different student assignment systems, his research work has directly affected the lives of over one million public school students.

Harald Uhlig

Bruce Allen and Barbara Ritzenthaler   Professor of Economics, University of Chicago


Harald Uhlig is a Professor at the Department of   Economics at the University of Chicago since 2007. He is a fellow of the   Econometric Society, a research fellow of the CEPR and a research associate   of the NBER. He also serves as a consultant at the European Central Bank and   the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, and a guest researcher at the   Bundesbank.

Professor Uhlig’s research interests are in macroeconomics, financial markets, and Bayesian econometrics, and in particular at the intersection of these three. He has published a number of articles, e.g. on estimating the effects of monetary policy shocks as well as fiscal policy shocks using an agnostic sign restriction approach, on competitive risk-sharing contracts with one-sided commitment, on the implications of habit formation for taxation as well as asset pricing and macroeconomic dynamics, on Bayesian vector-autoregressions with stochastic volatility, on the relationship between rules of thumb versus dynamic programming, the role of network externalities for regional labor markets and on the slow decline in East Germany.